Making Connections


Earlier in the day yesterday, while reflecting with Kyle Arlington, our district’s Assistant Superintendent, about this year’s Literacy Night, he mentioned that the event supports our district’s desire to “Connect”. In this case, the connection he’s referring to is predominantly parent to school. This was the event’s original intent from its inception three years ago, and I agree that this connection is invaluable.

During my drive home last night, I received a call from Leslie Blatt informing and congratulating me on winning this year’s NJASL Villi Ghandi Leadership Scholarship. In speaking with Leslie and expressing my love of our profession, I naturally shared my passion for connecting and gratitude for the educators in my PLN. I am continually empowered by this “connection”, and would not be who I am today without this opportunity to learn together.

In writing this post, I’m reminded of the student-world connection that is vital for meaningful learning.  In order that students develop critical thinking skills necessary for skill transfer, we as educators must   provide opportunities that allow students to extend their learning to real world scenarios.  In order to develop positive learning dispositions, students need to consider the “whys”, in addition to the “whats” and  “hows” addressed by state content and common core standards.