4 Things I’d Love to Crowd Source (’cause they’re keeping me up at night!)


Image: 'Brain Fuel'  http://www.flickr.com/photos/64251830@N00/394740182 Found on flickrcc.net

Image: ‘Brain Fuel’
Found on flickrcc.net

OK…Here they are:

  1. A working, all encompassing definition of Literacy for educators. Finding many are too broad (such as everything in the CCSS!), too 21st Century (limited to global and  tech literacies) or plain old out of date!
  2. Synthesis: What it means and how to teach it so that students can do it! Is synthesis rooted in organizational strategies? How do we incorporate author’s intent in the synthesis process? Is Synthesis making personal meaning and if so how do we teach students to do it in test like scenarios?
  3. I’m desperately in “want” of developing a Teacher-Librarian’s Roles and Responsibilities document, or what admin calls a “job description”. I’d love it to be stakeholder friendly and so should be rooted in student learning.
  4. What exactly does CCSS mean when they  write short research projectsand how do we support deep learning as required by the CCCS in short research project? In my humble opinion, I don’t believe that it’s possible for students to develop deep learning if they are required to participate in all parts of the inquiry process during every “short research project”. I think that we would be better off creating learning experiences that highlight one piece of the process, as long as students are aware of where what their learning fits into the whole. However, this isn’t easy and I would love some assistance in making it happen!

I realize this is a lot in one post, but I figure if I write them down, they’d stop keeping me up at night! Well not really, cause I tend to fall asleep at the drop of a dime, but they do bounce around this crazy head of mine fairly often!

So…I created a google doc hyperlinked to each bold faced topic above for crowd sourcing. I’d love to hear your thoughts, ideas and best practices about these issues; I’m thinking that I’m probably not the only one who could use a little help with this stuff!

Thanks in advance for sharing, because we are oh so better working together!
