HacKid Conference, Really!

Today in school a student told me about a teen-age neighbor who shared with him a hacking video game site. Although the student seemed impressed with his neighbor’s knowledge and abilities, he didn’t seem to think that “hacking” anything was a very good idea. After school I was going through my RSS Feeds and saw a post entitled “License to Hack: Kids are getting into hacking in a whole new way. And that’s a good thing“. It seems that the term “hacking” which many of us consider as illegal and dangerous behavior, is now something educators may actually encourage??

So what exactly is hacking? According to software advocate Eric S. Raymond—it’s “the practice of modifying the features of a system in order to accomplish a goal outside of the creator’s original purpose.” Because those goals have stereotypically been malicious in intend, Hacking has received a bad rap.

Currently, our curriculum at Lounsberry includes using tech tools and web based platforms for learning. However, we are not learning,  even the basics about building and/or updating these tools ourselves. What do you think? Should we be using tools such as Scratch, which teach the basics of computer programming and design? Should we encourage hacking at Lounsberry?

Fiction Redo? But How?

Books Shop from Photos 8 http://photos8.org/details.php?gid=45&pid=8736

I’ve been surveying students since the start of the school year about re-shelving fiction according to genre, and everyone seems to agree that we should go for it. I think we should start by relabeling books, using vivid genre labels, before we actually move books around, just in case we have an overabundance of “mixed genre” books in our collection. No matter what, we’ll need to start by choosing a selection of genres to label! If there are too many, it might get confusing. Here’s what I’m thinking:
Historical Fiction
Realistic Fiction
..but then there’s Chick Lit, Adventure, and Horror? I need your help! How many should we have and what should they be? What’s your favorite Fiction genre? Is it included in this list?